
(원어민 문법강의) 의문사 WHO- 17 Common “WHEN” Questions in English (Alex)

blueocean7 2017. 12. 12. 10:46

의문사 WHO 다양한 활용에 대해 상세히 설명하는 비디오강의입니다.

WHO 활용뿐만 아니라 발음 유창성을 위한 훈련도 겸해서 할 수 있는 강의이니 열심히 따라 해보세요.^^

Do you have trouble with asking questions in English? In this essential lesson, I look at some of the most common questions using who. The word who is most often used as a pronoun in English, and it represents a person or persons in a sentence. Here are some examples: “Who is it?”, “Who’s with me?”, “Who’s that?”, “Who did that?”, “Who won?” There are too many who questions to list here, so watch the video to learn many more. This useful lesson will help you gain confidence and fluency in English.

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