영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음 3 (초등) About Helen Keller's life.hwp Are Mosquitos Our Enemies.hwp How parents can help their kids be successful..hwp What method of study do you prefer.hwp A Doctor or an Astronaut.hwp Do you like animals.hwp Do you speak swearwords.hwp 초등영어/영어스피치 2015.04.20
영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음 2 (초등) Global Warming.hwp Herald speech contest.hwp My Family.hwp My pet.hwp My Studying Tactics.hwp Soccer Player.hwp Soccer with My Life.hwp 초등영어/영어스피치 2015.04.20
영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음(고등) A Cleaner Place To Live.hwp Myself.hwp Well-being.hwp Sanctity of life.doc My Favorite Hobbies.hwp My Future Dream.hwp 초등영어/영어스피치 2014.06.30
영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음(중등) Monologues.hwp Plow your field of mind.hwp Unforgettable Lessons From Chunghak Dong.hwp Works for Teenagers.hwp 마음의 밭을 갈자(한글).hwp 청학동이 내게 준 교훈[한글].hwp How to solve unemployment rate.hwp Our real appearance.hwp Bullying.docx 초등영어/영어스피치 2014.06.30
영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음(초등) A Bowl of Woodong.hwp A Lesson from Hwang Woosuk.hwp fly to the sky.hwp my dream.hwp Sports and Their Influence on World Peace.hwp Traditions are the Future.hwp 우동 한그릇(한글).hwp 전통이 미래다(한영).hwp My Studying Tactics.hwp 초등영어/영어스피치 2014.06.30
I CAN SPEAK ENGLISH icanspeakeng1.hwp icanspeakeng2.hwp icanspeakeng3.hwp icanspeakeng4.hwp 초등영어/영어스피치 2014.06.18
영어스피치콘테스트 원고모음(초등) A Lesson from Hwang Woosuk.hwp Are Mosquitos Our Enemies.hwp Dear Mother Earth.hwp Three Friends.hwp Water is Life.hwp What method of study do you prefer.hwp Avian Flu.doc Environment.docx Physical_Discipline.docx 초등영어/영어스피치 2014.05.01