원어민 강사 Alex와 더불어 25개의 필수 일반동사를 배우는 비디오강의입니다.
각각의 동사의 과거(past)와 과거분사(past participle)의 형태뿐만 아니라,
각 동사가 활용되는 예문 3가지도 함께 배울거예요.
What are the most common English verbs? In this simple and fun lesson, I’ll show you the 25 most common verbs. You need to know these (and you need to know them well!) if you want to become a fluent English speaker. Learn the present, past, and past participle forms of the verbs. I’ll give three example sentences for each verb. Some of the verbs in this lesson include: have
, make
, do
, see
, know
, and look
. Don’t miss this essential English vocabulary lesson!
영어자막을 원하면 동영상 우측 하단의 자막버튼을 클릭~!