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'Hothouse Earth' warning, BBC Learning English - BBC

blueocean7 2018. 8. 10. 13:09
BBC Learning English

News Review - 'Hothouse Earth' warning, BBC Learning English - BBC
'Hothouse Earth' warning

올 여름 전세계가 겪고 있는 폭염, 이상기온의 원인인 지구온난화에 관한 내용입니다 

'Hothouse Earth' - Scientists have warned that we could soon be reaching a point where global warming cannot be reversed.
'Hothouse Earth' - 과학자들은 우리가 곧 지구 온난화가 되돌릴 수 없는 지점에 다다를 수 있다고 경고했다.

아래 어휘를 먼저 살펴보시고 내용듣기를 하시면 좋겠어요

tipping point - time after which events can't be stopped
작은 변화들이 어느 정도 기간을 두고 쌓여, 이제 작은 변화가 하나만 더 일어나도 갑자기 큰 영향을 초래할 수 있는 상태가 된 단계
• Employee anger over pay has reached a tipping point. Workers will now strike.
• His latest affair was a tipping point in their marriage. She left the next day.

ominous - implying something bad will happen 불길한, 전조가 있는

• Dan's car started making ominous noises, so he took it to a mechanic.
• I had an ominous dream about the party. I don't think we should go.

domino effect - situation where one event causes a series of consecutive events
도미노 패가 연이어 넘어지듯이 어떤 현상이 인접 지역으로 파급되는 현상

• Some warn that A.I. will have a domino effect on jobs.
• Bad intelligence caused a domino effect of military mistakes.