26. Phone directory
There is a town in Texas where 5% of all the people living there have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town's phone directory,?on average, how many of these people would have unlisted phone numbers?
Zero. You will not find unlisted phone numbers in a phone directory
27. Rainy
David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen? David is completely bald.
28. Locked in a cell
Two convicts are locked in a cell. There is an unbarred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed or one on top of the other they can't reach the window to escape. They then decide to tunnel out. However, they give up with the tunneling because it will take too long. Finally one of the convicts figures out how to escape from the cell. What is his plan?
His plan is to dig the tunnel and pile up the dirt to climb up to the window to escape.
29. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers. How was this possible?
They were the same man. Grover Cleveland served two terms as president of the United States, but the terms were not consecutive.
30. How many of each type of animal did Moses take on the Ark?
Moses did not take them on the ark. Noah did.
31. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it? Window
32. What goes around the world and stays in a corner? stamp
33. NASA and canaries
NASA was considering sending canaries into space to study them under zero gravity. The project was scrapped when someone realized that in spite of having sufficient water supplies, they could die of dehydration within a few hours. Why?
Birds, unlike humans, need gravity to swallow. Humans can swallow even while hanging upside down.
34. A rich man's son was kidnapped. The ransom note told him to bring a valuable diamond to a phone booth in the middle of a public park. Plainclothes police officers surrounded the park, intending to follow the criminal or his messenger. The rich man arrived at the phone booth and followed instructions but the police were powerless to prevent the diamond from leaving the park and reaching the crafty villain. What did he do?
This is a true story from Taiwan. When the rich man reached the phone booth he found a carrier pigeon in a cage. It had a message attached telling the man to put the diamond in a small bag which was around the pigeon's neck and to release the bird. When the man did this the police were powerless to follow the bird as it returned across the city to its owner.
35. A man leaves home and, after making three left turns, he ends up back at home, and finds two masked men waiting for him. What is happening? Baseball
36. Which is correct to say, 'The yolk of the egg ARE white' or, 'The yolk of the egg IS white'? Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow.
37. A fireman is running to get a net under a lady who looks like she might jump off the balcony of her 20 story apartment building. There is nothing below her except a 20 story fall. The fireman is still 100 yards away when she falls and can't nearly get there in time. The woman is not hurt more than a bruise. How is that possible?
She fell back into her apartment.
38. A woman went to visit her bank manager and she took her young daughter with her. The bank manager said that the woman's daughter could stay with his secretary during the meeting. When the woman and her daughter left, the secretary turned to the other secretary and said to her, "That little girl was my daughter." How could that be?
The secretary was the girl's father.
39. How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of brick?
Only one - regardless of the size of the building, "to complete" a building it takes only one last brick.
40. There is a bus full of people travelling over San Francisco and no-one gets off the bus throughout the journey. But when it gets to the other side there is not a single person left. How is this possible? They are all married.
41. You and a friend decide to have an egg spinning contest. What can be done to make sure that your egg spins the longest? Boil your egg first. Unless your friend does the same, you are sure to win.
42. Peter celebrated his birthday on one day, and two days later his older twin brother, Paul, celebrated his birthday. How could this be?
When the mother of the twins went into labor, she was travelling by boat. The older twin, Paul, was born first, barely on March 1st. The boat then crossed a time zone, and the younger twin was born on February the 28th. In a leap year the younger twin celebrates his birthday two days before his older brother.
43. What are the next two letters in the following series?A E F H I K L M _ _
The next two letters are N and T. These are the next two letters in the alphabet composed only of strait lines.
44. What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it? Silence
45. I can trap many different things and colors, Ever changing, not boring Look closely and you may find yourself also caught in my trap.What am I? A mirror or pool of water.
46. Jumping from an aircraftShortly after jumping from an aircraft at 5000 or so feet, a man deploys his parachute. When he looks up he sees a rather large hole in his parachute. Nonetheless he lands safely without assistance and without using his reserve chute. Why did he survive?
Many (most) parachutes need a hole in them to let the air pass through. Otherwise the parachute would swing wildly side to side.
47. Head and tailWhat has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? penny