
(WRITING) Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell (Benjamin)

blueocean7 2017. 12. 6. 21:12

원어민 강사 Benjamin의 글쓰기에 대한 확~ 와닿는 강의네요.

글을 쓸 때는 단지 의미만 전달하려고 하지 말고, 생생한 상황을 묘사하여 장면을 상상하게 하라.

Become a better writer, no matter what you’re writing! I’ll show you how to take simple, boring sentences and turn them to vibrant, expressive writing. As you practice this technique in your writing, you will find it carries over to your everyday spoken English as well. Before you know it, you’ll be a more dynamic, compelling speaker and writer.

자막이 필요하시면 동영상 우측 하단의 자막버튼을 누르세요.
