
(원어민 어휘강의) 은유법을 활용하라 - Using metaphors to speak English more fluently (Gill)

blueocean7 2017. 12. 6. 15:57

영어를 말하거나 쓸 때 은유(metaphor)나 직유(simile)를 활용하면 훨씬 생동감을 주는 표현을 만들 수 있다는 거

다 아시죠?

metaphor는 A=B, 즉, '어떤 사람이나 사물은 뭔가 다른 사람이나 사물이다'라는 표현이고,

simile는 A is like B, 즉, 어떤 뭔가 비슷한 것을 as ~ as, like와 같은 단어를 통해 연상시키는 것입니다.

Do you know what a metaphor is? I’d like to show you how English speakers commonly use metaphors in everyday conversations. Metaphors make our language more interesting and beautiful. I’ll give you many examples of metaphors and show you how they are used. I’ll teach you some easy metaphors like busy bee and melting pot, and even show you an extended metaphor written by Shakespeare. If you’re learning about metaphors in school, it’s also important to understand the difference between metaphors and similes and to know their definitions. Practice these expressions and use them when you’re speaking to your friends and classmates. After the lesson, test your understanding of metaphors by taking the quiz.

영어자막을 원하시면 동영상 우측 하단의 자막버튼을 클릭하세요!
