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6 Minute English - Are smartphones killing cameras?

blueocean7 2018. 9. 5. 15:10
아래 관련 어휘를 먼저 살펴보시고 들어보시면 좋을 거 같아요
듣기파일과 script 함께 보내드려요

obsolete - 시대에 뒤진, 구식의
something that has been replaced and is no longer the first choice

to drop off a cliff - 벼랑에서 굴러 떨어지다, 매출이 단기간에 현저히 감소하다
(metaphor) used about, for example, sales numbers, it means sales have fallen significantly over a short period of time

opt for something - ~을 선택하다
choose something

get into something - 무언가에 관심을 갖다
become very interested in an activity

frustrated with something - 무언가에 실망하다
disappointed with something

take the next rung up - 높은 단계로 넘어가다
do something at a higher level

6 Minute English - BBC
Are smartphones killing cameras?
