멀티미디어영어/임만엽의 카톡영어

6-minute-English podcast

blueocean7 2018. 7. 27. 12:53

오늘 들으실 6-minute-English podcast 는 요즘 젊은사람들에게 시골로 산책을 나가기 싫어하는 이유가 무엇인지에 대한 설문조사 결과입니다
크게 두 가지 이유인데요...

1. There are just so many other distractions and it’s just so easy for people to stay indoors.
산책 말고도 다른 것에 정신 팔 게 많다는 거죠

2. In fact, one of the biggest reasons people gave was that it wouldn’t look good on their social media.
소셜미디어에 비친 그들 모습이 멋져보이지 않다는 이유 때문이래요

아래 어휘들도 참고해서 보세요...

to venture out - 모험하다
To venture out somewhere suggests that it’s a big challenge, or even a risky activity.

milennials- 1980~90년대생
Millennials refers to people who are young adults now, people who were born in the 1980s and 1990s. 

phenomenal. - 믿기 어려운
Phenomenal means that something is incredible, unbelievable.

 instagramable - 인스타그램 계정에 올릴만한
If the weather is terrible you might not be able to get good pictures for your Instagram account. They might not be instagramable.
